IMBXX® was developed by the Center of Immunology Science.

IMBXX®, an acronym for "Immune-Boost," was collaboratively developed with faculty and staff at the University of Illinois College of Pharmacy. Our recent accomplishments include completing an Institutional Review Board (IRB) Consented double-blind/placebo clinical trial assessing the potential efficacy of IMBXX® in boosting immune system health. This trial involved hundreds of volunteers who underwent testing based a patented, peer-reviewed, and published blood test from the Department of Pathology at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Chicago.

Developed with the expertise of faculty and staff from the University of Illinois College of Pharmacy.

IMBXX®- developed with the goal to not only merely boost immune system health but also to eliminate the need for all other daily dietary/nutritional supplements- potentially saving thousands of dollars of personal expense day-in and day out. The immune system health-boosting effects of M. smegmatis have been verified, peer-reviewed and published.

IMBXX® Commits to Advancing Health and Well-Being

Up to 5% of all IMBXX®-produced profits will be directed for research purposes regarding immune system deficiency-related diseases including Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Pain, IBS, Long COVID, Interstitial Cystitis, Brain Fog, Mental Depression, Chronic Anxiety, Sleeplessness, and
documented DNA-Related Medical disorders.

  • What is IMBXX®?

    Over 70% of Americans take at least one supplement daily, and the average American spends $131 monthly on supplements.

  • Yet, how do you know if your supplements really help you?

    IMBXX® is different. It is meant to be the only immune system compound that is taken every day whose benefits were objectively experienced in clinical trial participants.

  • 100% Natural Approach.

    IMBXX®’s benefits have been proven by a large-scale clinical trial where participants reported actual health changes. IMBXX®, taken daily, may save a person 40%+ of their normal supplement cost.