IMBXX® is a breakthrough Immuno-Postbiotic

Boost Immune System Health

First ever supplement where you actually feel a boost to your immune system health.

IMBXX® Immune System/Microbiome DNA Verified®

IMBXX®: Regain Your Hope & Your Health

IMBXX® aims to provide measurable and positive effects on immune system health, potentially reducing monthly expenses by 40%.

DNA=the Scientific Gold Standard

No Other Supplements Needed. Experts Say Yes.

Rigorously tested through a double-blind clinical trial, IMBXX® ensures both efficacy and safety for hundreds of participants with documented immune system issues.

Developed by the Center of Immunology Science.

IMBXX® is a breakthrough Immuno-Postbiotic which targets the immune system Microbiome in the large intestine and the associated Gut-Brain Axis and related Brain Receptors.


  • Professionally Developed

    IMBXX®, stands for "Immune-Boost," was collaboratively developed with faculty and staff at the University of Illinois College of Pharmacy. Our recent accomplishments include completing an Institutional Review Board (IRB) Consented double-blind/placebo clinical trial assessing the potential efficacy of IMBXX® in boosting immune system health. This trial involved volunteers whose immune system issues were confirmed via a patented peer-reviewed and published blood test developed by the Department of Pathology at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Chicago.

  • Not a Prescription

    IMBXX® does not require a prescription. IMBXX® was designed to be readily available and inexpensive. Using IMBXX® every day could eliminate the need for any other daily supplement. The primary component of IMBXX® is a heat-killed form of M. Smegmatis, a nonpathological found in nature, including water and soil, known for its positive impact on immune system health. A clinical trial involving 100s of participants proved its immune system benefits. IMBXX® caused no adverse side effects. Its benefits were proven in a peer-reviewed medical article, confirming its positive impact.

  • Groundbreaking Science

    IMBXX® is different than other supplements: (1) IMBXX® is
    derived entirely from a naturally occurring immune-modulating biological material whose effects were documented in a peer-reviewed scientific publication (2) The use of IMBXX® has been designed to lead to a noticeable and measurable improvement in immune system health.(3) IMBXX® is not a private laboratory chemical concoction- It was developed with faculty and staff at the University of Illinois College of Pharmacy (4) IMBXX® was only made available after recording positive experiences in unpaid volunteers in an IRB-consented double-blind/placebo clinical trial.

  • Gut-Brain Axis

    Utilizing a non-toxic, heat-killed form of M. smegmatis—a bacteria naturally occurring in water and soil— IMBXX® draws upon the immune system effects of this substance, which have been peer-reviewed and published. Targeting the microbiome in the large intestine (the Gut Microbiome) and the associated Gut-Brain Axis and brain receptors, IMBXX® aims to enhance immune system health.

  • Once Daily for Optimal Health

    IMBXX® is categorized as an immuno-postbiotic making a prescription not necessary. Taking IMBXX® once daily consistently is recommended to achieve optimal efficacy.

IMBXX® Commits to Advancing Health and Well-Being

Up to 5% of all IMBXX®-produced profits will be directed for research purposes regarding immune system deficiency-related diseases including Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Pain, IBS, Long COVID, Interstitial Cystitis, Brain Fog, Mental Depression, Chronic Anxiety, Sleeplessness, and
documented DNA-Related Medical disorders.

  • Clinically Tested

    Completed an Institutional
    Review Board (IRB) Consented double-blind/placebo clinical trial.

  • Gluten Free

    IMBXX® is accessible to everyone as it is free of gluten, dairy, soy, and nuts.

  • Vegan

    IMBXX® is a vegan supplement suitable with any dietary restrictions.

  • Not a Prescription

    Unlike traditional drugs, IMBXX® is not a prescription medication, making it easily accessible to those seeking immune system support.